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  1. transportation
    The B.Q.E. Isn’t Getting Any BetterThe construction will never end.
  2. sad things
    Bicyclist Killed on Most Dangerous Bicycling Road ImaginableThe BQE.
  3. neighborhood watch
    What Will Go Atop the BQE If They Put a Lid on It?Mayor wants housing, locals want pretty mini-parks, some just want more bridges.
  4. neighborhood watch
    Astroland: Now in the City’s Own Flipper HandsAstoria: Miss Heather from Newyorkshitty gets back to what she does best: poop art. [Newyorkshitty] The BQE: Tracks from Sufjan Stevens’s homage to the venerable expressway are online! [Vulture via Hypeful] Coney Island The city will save Astroland’s land (as a park) by taking it away from Thor, thus saving the amusement park! Yay! Except, oh wait, what does the city know about running a freak show? Don’t answer that question. [Curbed]