Displaying all articles tagged:

Chuck Todd

  1. democratic debates
    2020 Democrats Don’t Know What to Do About Mitch McConnellTwo moderators tried to get the candidates to come to grips with the awful specter of a Republican Senate in 2021 without much success.
  2. vision 2020
    Qualifiers for the First 2020 Democratic Primary Debates AnnouncedThe roster shows the number of candidates qualifying equaling the DNC’s cap of 20. Steve Bullock is unhappy with his exclusion.
  3. media
    Jon Stewart Confirms NBC Wanted Him to Host Meet the Press“My guess is they were casting as wide and as weird a net as they could.”
  4. NBC Wanted to Hire Jon Stewart to Host Meet the Press “They were ready to back the Brink’s truck up,” one source said
  5. ink-stained wretches
    Ann Curry Offers Awkward Message of Support for David GregoryHe won’t get an on-air “Ann Curry moment.”
  6. talking heads
    NBC Puts David Gregory Out of His MiseryThe network has reportedly made its final decision.
  7. talking heads
    NBC Not Denying Todd Will Replace Gregory on MTPThe change is reportedly coming by year’s end.
  8. jeopardy!
    What Stumped Jeopardy!’s D.C. Power Players?What are categories about 21st-century lingo and great American women?
  9. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd: Terrible Role Model for America’s ChildrenHe flipped the bird on live TV this morning.
  10. early and often
    Chuck Todd Can’t Bring Himself to Compare Two Black People for Being BlackHerman Cain and Al Sharpton are alike why?
  11. cable news
    Talk Box: Tax-Cut Extension Would Lead to More Borrowing From ChinaMSNBC’s ‘Countdown’ investigates the huge amounts the U.S. will have to borrow from countries like China and Russia.
  12. ground zero mosque
    Anthony Weiner Doesn’t Want to Talk About the Ground Zero Mosque“Elected officials, particularly members of Congress, should not be weighing in on this debate.”
  13. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd Does Not Want to Say the Word ‘Honky’Chuck Todd is afraid to say this out loud.
  14. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd: StonerOur favorite goateed newsman has tried that thing with Pink Floyd and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ so many times.
  15. ya know i’d like to keep my cheeks dry today
    Chuck Todd Loves Blind Melon, ApparentlyAnd Jake Tapper has had enough.
  16. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd Pulls a Chin-Fake, Keeps GoateeAnd God saw that it was good.
  17. obituaries
    Chuck Todd’s Goatee, 2002–2009The life and times of a legend.
  18. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd’s Goatee Is Not Really in DangerDespite a wager with firebrand Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd will likely remain the hirsute genius we know him as today.
  19. Not to Say We Told You So...’Meet the Press’ is slipping, and Chuck Todd is not the host of ‘Meet the Press.’ Coincidence?
  20. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd to Write the Greatest Book EverWe assume.
  21. todd-al domination
    NBC Admits Mistake, Gives Chuck Todd Weekend Political Show’Meet the Press,’ here we come.
  22. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd Conquers the GlobeOr at least one guy in Europe.
  23. todd-al domination
    In Defense of Chuck ToddThere’s a reason nobody liked his question to President Obama.
  24. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd Has Another Brilliant IdeaThe greatest political analyst of any era is set to revolutionize the presidential presser.
  25. todd-al domination
    Chuck Todd’s French Horn Quietly Awaits Its Glorious RebirthIs there anything that man can’t do? No, there isn’t.
  26. chuck you
    Chris Matthews Watches Chuck Todd Lose His VirginityHis White House correspondent Obama press conference virginity!
  27. meet chuck todd
    Chuck Todd Named Chief White House Correspondent, a Role He Will DominateWe love Chuck Todd.
  28. gossipmonger
    Tabs Obligatorily Report Emptiness Behind Britney’s Rehabbed SmileShe had her 27th b’day bash at Tenjune, but of course she wasn’t really happy or present! Plus, Jenny Humphrey wants to rock out when she grows up, just like her dad. In the gossip roundup.
  29. in other news
    Tom Brokaw Saved MSNBC From ItselfAccording to the former NBC News anchor, it was his idea to tone down Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, and also he who saved the network’s relationship with the McCain campaign.
  30. early and often
    Secret Clinton-Obama Rendezvous Makes Reporters Go BonkersThe ‘Times,’ finding nothing to report about the secret meeting, talks to reporters to see how they feel about looking for it.
  31. early and often
    The Official North Carolina and Indiana Primary Sobriety GameIn which we help you Democrats get through the night without alcohol. And it won’t be easy!
  32. early and often
    One Superdelegate Wavers, America Holds Its BreathThere are nearly 800 superdelegates voting in the Democratic primary, and literally hundreds of them are still undecided. There’s a lot of time before they’ll have to decide, too. So the fact that one of them has possibly switched his position shouldn’t really be a big deal, right? Ha! Don’t be ridiculous. We know by now that everything in this campaign is a big deal. So when word broke last night that Representative John Lewis (D-Georgia) either defected or is considering defecting, from the Clinton camp to the Obama camp, we knew there was a pundit tizzy in the making. Lewis is a well-known civil-rights leader and possibly Clinton’s most prominent African-American supporter. Just the fact that this is happening may be a sign that some of those early Clinton backers, especially African-Americans, are having a change of heart. Or it may just mean that one dude changed his mind. Luckily for you, there are plenty of people to decide what it means, so you don’t have to. • Jeff Zeleny and Patrick Healy report that Representative Lewis said he could “‘never, ever do anything to reverse the action’ of the voters of his district, who overwhelmingly supported Mr. Obama.” Even if he hasn’t officially endorses yet, they write he could do so within days. [NYT] • Mark Halperin thinks that if Representative Lewis defects to Obama, Clinton’s odds of winning the nomination will be cut in half. [Page/Time]
  33. intel
    Tonight: Blogging the Super Tuesday ResultsIn honor of the orgy of voting that is going on all over the country today, Daily Intel is staying up late tonight. Really late. Starting at 8:30 p.m., New York columnist Kurt Andersen is going to be live-blogging the primary results. Then, later in the evening, Chris Smith will take a look at voting in our home state and what it means, and John Heilemann will analyze the national results on both the Democratic and Republican sides of the table. So tonight, when you get home from the gym, after your friends have arrived to watch the results and you’ve ordered pizza and uncorked that magnum of Cavit Pinot Grigio that someone random dragged over, go ahead and log on to Nymag.com. After all, as the hours go on, even Lou Dobbs’s voice starts to pound against your eardrums like a Q-tip during a hangover (you know, like Chris Matthews’s voice does every day). We’ll be quietly examining what today’s voting means for the candidates and, more importantly, what it means for you. P.S.: Last night, we were at the Met watching Carmen, and we totally spotted MSNBC’s Chuck Todd out of the office, on a date. Slacker!