In Brief: ‘In the Beginning’

If you can’t wait for the fifth season (and twenty-third century) of Babylon 5, now transposed to cable, there is a two-hour “prequel,” In the Beginning (Sunday, January 4; 8 to 10 p.m.; TNT). It is devoted to the galactic war between Earth and the Minbari Federation, whose devastation caused the creation in the first place of the free-port space station for diplomacy and trade, back when it was “our last best hope for peace,” before it became “our last best hope for victory.” In a long flashback, from the point of view of Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik) in his dotage as emperor of the Centauri, we meet Bruce Boxleitner’s John Sheridan as a hotheaded Cub Scout, Mira Furlan’s Delenn as a sort of vestal virgin, Claudia Christian’s Ivanova as a coed with bangs, the usual silicon-based Volons, and the usual marsupial Narns.

Fans of J. Michael Straczynski’s exceedingly ambitious sci-fi series – Dune-like in its competing magics and technologies, its ritual ceremonies and warrior codes; Arthur C. Clarkely in its proliferation of alien forms – will be amused to find out how important Sheridan was before they ever hired him, which only happened in the second season of the show. Babylon 5 began the resurgence of militarism on prime-time television, a Gulf War gush and glitz of “smart” weaponry and snazzy uniforms. Retrogrades like me will wonder what ever happened to the sly wit and sexy hum of Alien Nation.

In Brief: ‘In the Beginning’