on the cover

On the Cover: The Pleasures of Outdoor Dining

Photo: Beth Sacca for New York Magazine. Photo-manipulation by Joe Darrow. Miniatures by Phillip Nuveen. Models (from left), Massimo Marchese and Aliesha Hatalovsky; Rats (from left), Taro and Mishi.

In New York’s latest issue, features writer Simon van Zuylen-Wood examines one of New York City’s remaining vestiges of COVID-19: the outdoor dining shed. From shabby wooden structures to fabulous cabins with white tablecloths, their mass constructions “probably represent the speediest reshaping of the built environment in the city’s history,” van Zuylen-Wood writes. The streeteries were initially part of a program started by former mayor Bill de Blasio as a solution to help sustain restaurants during the height of the pandemic and meant to be temporary. However, in year three of the pandemic, the city is looking to make these structures permanent, even as we still grapple with how they’ve transformed the streetscape. Van Zuylen-Wood looks ahead to the future of streeteries while the seething ideological fight between shed-haters and lovers unfolds.

New York illustrated New York City’s uninvited streeteries diners by photographing two rats, Mishi and Taro (found via Instagram), appearing to enjoy a meal under the feet of restaurantgoers

Editor-in-chief David Haskell says, “The great overflowing of restaurants onto our sidewalks and streets has been perhaps the most unlikely legacy of the pandemic: a controversial and sometimes irritating but also glorious reshaping of the built environment that was unimaginable before COVID. It set the conditions for a nonstop feast — for humans and rats alike — and we decided to make a cover that celebrated everyone’s pleasure equally.” Photographed by Beth Sacca, with photo direction led by deputy photo director Liana Blum.

How the dining shed changed the city.