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Cambridge Analytica Shuts Down

Cambridge Analytica’s offices in Washington. Photo: Google

Cambridge Analytica is no more. Nearly two months after Facebook announced that it was suspending Strategic Communication Laboratories (SLC), C.A.’s parent company, for illegitimately obtaining user data, the now-infamous firm has announced that it is shutting down. “The company decided to close its doors because it was losing clients and facing mounting legal fees in the Facebook investigation, a person familiar with the matter said,” The Wall Street Journal reports.

Earlier on Wednesday, Gizmodo reported that SLC — both SLC and Cambridge Analytica are closing up shop — had shut down all of its offices in the United States. U.S. employees were “directed to return their keycards immediately.”

From Gizmodo:

Screenshots from the company’s internal chat service obtained by Gizmodo show a darkly comic mood in anticipation of the call. One employee shared bleakly titled Spotify playlists in Slack featuring songs like “High and Dry” by Radiohead, “The End” by The Doors, and “Help!” by The Beatles. Another employee posted a still from Titanic showing the ship’s band playing their instruments as the vessel sinks.

Might we also suggest this video from Titanic of the ship’s final moments paired with “Work Bitch” by Britney Spears.

Cambridge Analytica Shuts Down