Oh, Snap!

Posted August 21, 2008
Hands down the awesomest iPhone app? The Bubble Wrap game, which gives you a virtual screen of Bubble Wrap to pop—a great way to burn off stress while stressing out everyone around you. (It’s free at Apple’s App Store.) But what if you don’t have an iPhone? Fortunately, there’s Puchi Puchi, the Bubble Wrap key chain (created by Japanese gaming giant Bandai) that gives you both a satisfying tactile sensation—like you’re really squishing the air out of bubble wrap—and a rewarding pop sound (occasionally interspersed with other randomness, like dog barks and door chimes, just to keep things interesting). A bestseller in Japan, it’s now available in the U.S. It’s idiotic! It’s irresistible! It’s also a great gift for all the stressed-out dorks in your life (which may or may not include you).

$19.99 at AudioCubes.com.

Buy it online.

Oh, Snap!