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Men Continue to Invent New Ways to Not Have Sex With Human Women

The newest masturbation device.
The newest masturbation device.

Sex. We can’t always get it exactly when we want it, a reality many men find unfair. But good news for those with $400 to spare: You can now experience the pleasures of sex without any other humans involved.

A new masturbation device, created by Tenga, “can send impulses all over the wearer’s body to make it feel like another human being is touching them,” ir.net reports. The suit is only equipped for penises (sorry, ladies!) and turns you into a fap astronaut, allowing you to squeeze some fake boobs while thrusting into a weird sleeve.

Like so many inventions before it, the Illusion VR brings men one step closer to achieving what appears to be their ultimate goal: no longer having to have sex with real women.


Men Continue to Invent New Ways to Not Have Sex