
Sculptor Responsible for Terrible Cristiano Ronaldo Statue Defends His Work

The bust. Photo: Octavio Passos/Getty Images

On Wednesday, the internet was delighted by a new bronze sculpture of Cristiano Ronaldo that did not resemble the star soccer player in the slightest — we’re talking ruined-Jesus-fresco level of bad.

But the artist, Madeira resident Emanuel Santos, is unfazed, telling Globo Esporte:

“It’s impossible to please the Greeks and the Trojans. Not even Jesus pleased everyone. This is a matter of taste, it’s not as simple as it seems. I have seen the work of great artists that follow this parameter. What matters is the impact this work generated.”

As for how the sculpture ended up looking, uh, the way it did, he has an explanation:

“There is always the possibility of producing something that looks different, I was already prepared for all of that. I used some photos of Cristiano Ronaldo that I found on the internet as a base, not one photo specifically. I put the photos by my side and started working on the bust.”

Got it. One Cristiano Ronaldo: Very handsome. An amalgamation of several Cristiano Ronaldos: Yikes.

Sculptor Responsible for Bronze Ronaldo Bust Defends Work